
Read the section in the Porto SAP Documentation (#Actions).


  • All Actions MUST extend App\Ship\Parents\Actions\Action.

Folder Structure


Code Sample

Simplified Example from the RegisterUserAction


namespace App\Containers\User\Actions;

class RegisterUserAction extends Action
    public function run(DataTransporter $data): User
        // create user record in the database and return it.
        $user = Hive::call(CreateUserByCredentialsTask::class, [
            $isClient = true,

        Mail::send(new UserRegisteredMail($user));

        return $user;

Heads up!

Instead of passing these parameters string $email, string $password, string $name, bool $isClient = false from place to another over and over, consider using the Transporters classes (simple DTOs “Data Transfer Objects”). For more details read the Transporters page.

Injecting each Task in the constructor and then using it below through its property is really boring and the more Tasks you use the worse it gets. So instead you can use the function call to call whichever Task you want and pass any parameters to it.

The Action itself was also called using Hive::call() from the Controller, triggering run() function.

Refer to the Magical Call page for more info and examples on how to properly use the call() function.



namespace App\Containers\User\Actions;

use App\Containers\User\Tasks\DeleteUserTask;
use App\Ship\Parents\Actions\Action;

class DeleteUserAction extends Action
    public function run($userId)
        return Hive::call(DeleteUserTask::class, [$userId]);

namespace App\Containers\Email\Actions;

use App\Containers\Xxx\Tasks\Sample1Task;
use App\Containers\Xxx\Tasks\Sample2Task;
use App\Ship\Parents\Actions\Action;

class DemoAction extends Action
    public function run($xxx, $yyy, $zzz)
        $foo = Hive::call(Sample1Task::class, [$xxx, $yyy]);

        $bar = Hive::call(Sample2Task::class, [$zzz]);

Calling an Action from a Controller


public function deleteUser(DeleteUserRequest $request)
    $user = Hive::call(DeleteUserAction::class, [$request->xxx, $request->yyy]);

    return $this->deleted($user);

The same Action MAY be called by multiple Controllers (API, WEB and CLI).