
Read from the Porto SAP Documentation (#Requests).


  • All Requests MUST extend from App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request.
  • A Request MUST have a rules() function, returning an array and an authorize() function to check for authorization (can return true when no authorization is required).

Folder Structure


Code Samples

See an example for the UpdateUserRequest class:


namespace App\Containers\User\UI\API\Requests;

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request;

class UpdateUserRequest extends Request

    protected $access = [
        'permission' => '',
        'roles'      => 'admin',

    protected $decode = [

    protected $urlParameters = [

    public function rules()
        return [
            'email'    => 'email|unique:users,email',
            'password' => 'min:100|max:200',
            'name'     => 'min:300|max:400',

    public function authorize()
        return $this->check([

The properties of the Request class will be discussed in the further course of this section.

Using Requests in the Contorller


public function updateUser(UpdateUserRequest $updateUserRequest)
    $data = $updateUserRequest->all();
    // or
    $name = $updateUserRequest->name;
    // or
    $name = $updateUserRequest['name'];

By just injecting the Request class you already applied the validation and authorization rules. When you need to pass data to the Action, you should pass the Request object as it is to the Action parameter. A more elaborate approach, however, would be to “morph” the Request to a Transporter class!

Request Properties

HiveApi adds some new properties to the existing Request class from Laravel. Each of these properties are very useful for some situations, and let you achieve your goals faster and cleaner. Below we will see a description for each property:


The $decode property is used for decoding hashed IDs from any Request on the fly if you have enabled the HashID feature provided by HiveApi. Most probably you are passing or allowing your users to pass hashed (encoded) IDs into your application in order to “hide” your true IDs. Thus these IDs needs to be decoded somewhere. HiveApi has a property on its Request component to specify those hashed IDs in order to decode them before applying the validation rules.



namespace App\Containers\Authorization\UI\API\Requests;

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request;

class AssignUserToRoleRequest extends Request

    protected $decode = [
    // ...

Heads up!

Validations rules that relies on your ID like (exists:users,id) will not work unless you decode your ID before passing it to the validation!


The $urlParameters property is used for applying validation rules on the URL parameters. Laravel, by default, does not allow validating URL parameters (i.e., the id in /stores/{id}/items). In order to be able to apply validation rules on URL parameters you can simply define your URL parameters in the $urlParameters property. This will also allow you to access those parameters directly from the Controller in the same way you access the data from the Request.



namespace App\Containers\Store\UI\API\Requests;

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request;

class GetItemFromShopRequest extends Request

     * Defining the URL parameters (`/stores/{store_id}/items/{item_id}`) allows applying
     * validation rules on them and allows accessing them like request data.
     * @var  array
    protected $urlParameters = [

    public function rules()
        return [
            'store_id' => 'required|integer', // url parameter
            'item_id'  => 'required|min:35|max:45', // url parameter

    // ...


The $access property, allows to define set of Roles and Permissions a client accessing the API must have in order to access this endpoint. The $access property is used by the hasAccess function defined below in the authorize function, to check if the user has the necessary Roles and Permissions to call this endpoint (i.e., access the controller function, where this Request object is injected).



namespace App\Containers\User\UI\API\Requests;

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request;

class DeleteUserRequest extends Request
     * Define which Roles and/or Permissions has access to this request.
     * @var  array
    protected $access = [
        'permission' => 'delete-users|another-permissions',
        'roles' => ['manager','admin']

    public function authorize()
        return $this->check([

If you do not like the laravelish style with | in order to separate the different roles or permissions (e.g., see the example above), you can also use the array notation.

How the Authorize Function Works

The authorize function calls a check function, which accepts an array of functions names, each returning a boolean. In the example above, three functions (i.e., hasAccess, isOwner, and isKing) are called.

The separator | between the functions indicates an OR operation, so if any of the functions hasAccess or isOwner returns true, the user will gain access and only when both return false the user will be prevented from accessing this endpoint.

Furthermore, if isKing (i.e., a custom function that could be implemented by you) returns false, no matter what all other functions returns, the user will be prevented from accessing this endpoint, because the default operation between all functions in the array is AND.

Add Custom Authorize Functions

The best way to add a custom authorize function is through a Trait, which can be added to your Request classes. In the example below we create a Trait named isKingPermissionTrait with a single method called isKing.

The isKing() method, in turn, calls a Task to verify that the current user is a king (e.g., if the user has the proper Role assigned).

namespace App\Containers\User\Traits;

use Apiato\Core\Foundation\Facades\Apiato;

trait isKingPermissionTrait
    public function isKing()
        // The task needs to be implemented properly!
        return Apiato::call('User@CheckIfUserHasProperRoleTask', [$this->user(), ['king']]);

Now, add the newly created Trait to the Request to use the isKing function in the authorization check.


namespace App\Containers\User\UI\API\Requests;

use App\Containers\User\Traits\isKingPermissionTrait;
use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request;

class FindUserByIdRequest extends Request
    use isKingPermissionTrait;

    // ...
    public function authorize()
        return $this->check([

Now, the Request uses the newly created isKing method to check the proper access rights.

Allow a Role to access every endpoint

You can allow some Roles to access every endpoint in the system without having to define that role in each Request object. This is useful you want to let users with Admin role access everything.

To do this define those roles in app/Ship/Configs/hive.php as follow:

'requests' => [
    'allow-roles-to-access-all-routes' => ['admin',],

This will append the admin role to all roles access in every Request.

Request Helper Functions

HiveApi also provides some helpful functions by default, so you can use them whenever you need them.


The hasAccess function, decides if the the user has access to this endpoint based on the $access property.

  • If the user has any Role or Permission defined in the access` property, he will be given access.
  • If you need more or less roles/permissions just add | between each permission.
  • If you do not need to set a roles/permissions just set 'permission' => '' or 'permission' => null.


The hasAccess function, checks if the passed URL ID is the same as the User ID of the request.


Let’s say we have an endpoint api.example.develop/v1/users/{ID}/delete that deletes a specified user. And we only need users to delete their own user accounts.

With isOwner, the user of ID 1 can only call /users/1/delete and won’t be able to call /users/2/delete or any other ID. This also works with hashed IDs!


Use this method to get data from within the $request by entering the name of the field. This function behaves like $request->input(''), however, it works on the decoded values instead of the original data.

Consider the following Request data in case you are passing application/json data instead of x-www-form-urlencoded:

  "data" : {
    "name"  : "foo",
    "description" : "bar"
  "id" : "a2423nadabada0"

Calling $request->input('id') would return "a2423nadabada0", however $request->getInputByKey('id') would return the decoded value (e.g., 4).

Furthermore, one can define a default value to be returned, if the key is not present (or not set), like so: $request->getInputByKey('', 'undefined name')


Especially for PATCH requests, you like to submit only the fields, to be changed to the API in order to:

a) minimize the traffic b) partially update the respective resource

Checking for the presence (or absence) of specific keys in the request typically results in huge if blocks, like so:

// ...
if($request->has('')) {
   $data['name'] = $request->input(''); // or better use getInputByKey()
if($request->has('data.description')) {
   $data['description'] = $request->input('data.description'); // or better use getInputByKey()
// ...

To avoid those if blocks, use array_filter($data) in order to remove empty fields from the request. However, in PHP false and '' (empty string) are also considered as empty resulting in removing those fields from the request data (which is clearly not what you want).

You can read more about this problem here.

In order to simplify sanitizing your Request Data when using application/json instead of x-www-form-urlencoded, HiveApi offers a convenient sanitizeInput(array $fields) method.

Consider the following Request data:

    "data" : {
        "is_private" : false,
        "description" : "this is a rather long description text",
        "a" : null,
        "b" : 3453,
        "foo" : {
            "a" : "a",
            "b" : "b",
            "c" : 1234
        "bar" : [
            "a", "b", "c"

The method lets you specify a list of $fields to be accessed and extracted from the $request. This is done by using the DOT notation. Finally, call the sanitizeInput() method on the $request:

$fields = ['', 'data.description', 'data.is_private', 'data.blabla', ''];
$data = $request->sanitizeInput($fields);

The extracted $data looks like this:

  "data" => [
    "is_private" => false
    "description" => "this is a rather long description text"
    "foo" => [
      "c" => 1234

Note that data.blabla is not within the $data array, as it was not present within the $request. Furthermore, all other fields from the $request are omitted as they are not specified. So basically, the method creates some kind of filter on the $request, only passing the defined values. Furthermore, the DOT notation allows you to easily specify the fields to would like to pass through. This makes partially updating an resource quite easy!

Heads Up:

Note that the fillable fields of an entity can be easily obtained with $entity->getFillable()!


Sometimes you might want to map input from the request to other fields in order to automatically pass it to a Action or Task. Of course, you can manually map those fields, but you can also rely on the mapInput(array $fields) helper function.

This helper, in turn, allows to “redefine” keys in the request for subsequent processing. Consider the following example request:

    "data" : {
        "name" : "John Doe"

Your Task to process this data, however, requests the field as data.username. You can call the the helper like this:

    '' => 'data.username',

The resulting structure would look like this:

    "data" : {
        "username" : "John Doe"

Storing Data on the Request

During the Request lifecycle you may want to store some data on the request object and pass it to other SubActions (or maybe if you prefer to Tasks). To store (additional) data on the Request you may use:

$request->keep(['someKey' => $someValue]);

To retrieve the data back at any time during the request lifecycle use:

$someValue = $request->retrieve('someKey')