
Seeders (short name for Database Seeders) are classes made to seed the database with real data. Tthis data usually should exist in the application after the installation, for example the default Users, their associated Roles and Permissions, or a list of available Countries for shippment.


  • Seeders SHOULD be created in the Containers.
  • If the container is using a third-party package that publishes a Seeder class, this class should be manually placed in the Container that make use of it. Do not rely on the package to place it on its right location.


  • Seeders SHOULD be in the right directory inside the container to be loaded.
  • To avoid any conflict between containers seeders classes, you SHOULD always prepend the Seeders of each container with the container name. For example use UserPermissionsSeeder, ItemPermissionsSeeder). If 2 seeders classes have the same name but live in different containers, one of them will not be loaded.
  • If you wish to order the seeding of the classes, you can just append _1, _2 to your classes.

Folder Structure


Code Samples



namespace App\Containers\Order\Data\Seeders;

use App\Ship\Parents\Seeders\Seeder;
use HiveApi\Core\Foundation\Facades\Hive;

class OrderPermissionsSeeder_1 extends Seeder

    public function run()
        Hive::call('Authorization@CreatePermissionTask', ['approve-reject-orders']);
        Hive::call('Authorization@CreatePermissionTask', ['find-orders']);
        Hive::call('Authorization@CreatePermissionTask', ['list-orders']);
        // ...

Note that one Seeder class may seed multiple Model classes.

Running the Seeders

After registering the Seeders you can run this command:

php artisan db:seed

To run specific Seeder class you can specific its class in the parameter as follow:

php artisan db:seed --class="App\Containers\X\Data\Seeders\YourCustomSeeder"

Migrate & Seed at the same time

php artisan migrate --seed

For more information about the Database Seeders read the official Laravel documentation.

HiveApi Seeder Commands


It’s useful sometimes to create a big set of testing data. HiveApi facilitates this task:

  1. Open app/Ship/Seeders/SeedTestingData.php and write your testing data here.
  2. Run this command any time you want this data available (example at staging servers):
php artisan hive:seed:test


HiveApi also provides a Seeder for your production data. You can call the artisan command

php artisan hive:seed:deploy