
Read from the Porto SAP Documentation (#Transformers).


  • All API responses MUST be formatted via a Transformer.
  • Every Transformer SHOULD extend from App\Ship\Parents\Transformers\Transformer.
  • Each Transformer MUST have a transform() function.

Folder Structure


Code Samples


namespace App\Containers\Item\UI\API\Transformers;

use App\Containers\Item\Models\Item;
use App\Ship\Parents\Transformers\Transformer;

class ItemTransformer extends Transformer

    protected $availableIncludes = [

    protected $defaultIncludes = [

    public function transform(Item $item)
        $response = [
            'object'      => 'Item',
            'id'          => $item->getHashedKey(),
            'name'        => $item->name,
            'description' => $item->description,
            'price'       => $item->price,
            'weight'      => $item->weight,
            'created_at'  => $item->created_at,
            'updated_at'  => $item->updated_at,

        return $response;

    public function includeImages(Item $item)
        return $this->collection($item->images, new ItemImageTransformer());

    public function includeRoles(User $user)
        return $this->collection($user->roles, new RoleTransformer());

Using a Transformer to Return Data from a Controller


    public function getAllClients(GetAllUsersRequest $request)
        $users = Hive::call(GetAllClientsAction::class);

        return $this->transform($users, UserTransformer::class);

You can even pass a Transformer object to the transform() method, like so:


    public function getAllClients(GetAllUsersRequest $request)
        $users = Hive::call(GetAllClientsAction::class);
        $transformer = new MyCustomUserTransformer(true, 'foo', 4711);

        return $this->transform($users, $transformer);

The parameters are passed to the Transformer via the __construct() constructor and can be used to parametrize the actual transform() method (e.g., based on specific flags).

Relationships (Includes)

Loading relationships with the Transformer (calling other Transformers) can be done in 2 ways:

  1. The Client can specify the relationships to be included via Query Parameters.
  2. The Developer can define relationships to be automatically included.

Apply Relationships via Query Parameters

The clients can request data with their relationships directly when calling the API by adding the ?include=x query parameter. The Transformer, in turn, needs to have the availableIncludes defined with their functions like this:


namespace App\Containers\Account\UI\API\Transformers;

use App\Ship\Parents\Transformers\Transformer;
use App\Containers\Account\Models\Account;
use App\Containers\Tag\Transformers\TagTransformer;
use App\Containers\User\Transformers\UserTransformer;

class AccountTransformer extends Transformer
    protected $availableIncludes = [

    public function transform(Account $account)
        return [
            'id'       => $account->id,
            'url'      => $account->url,
            'username' => $account->username,
            'secret'   => $account->secret,
            'note'     => $account->note,

    public function includeTags(Account $account)
        return $this->collection($account->tags, new TagTransformer());

    public function includeUser(Account $account)
        return $this->item($account->user, new UserTransformer());

In order to get the Tags with the response when Accounts are requested, the clients needs to pass the ?include=tags parameter with the GET request. To get Tags with User use the a comma separated list ?include=tags,user.

Apply Relationships from Application Code

From the controller you can dynamically set the DefaultInclude:


    public function getAllClients(GetAllUsersRequest $request)
        $users = Hive::call(GetAllClientsAction::class);

        return $this->transform($users, UserTransformer::class, ['tags', 'account']);

You need to have includeTags() and includeAccount() functions defined on the transformer. If you want to include a relation with every response from this transformer you can define the relation directly in the transformer by adding it to the $defaultIncludes.


    protected $availableIncludes = [
    protected $defaultIncludes = [
    // ..

Helper Functions for Transformers

  • user() : returns the currently authenticated User.
  • ifAdmin($adminResponse, $clientResponse) : merges normal client response with the admin extra or modified results, when current authenticated user is an admin user.

For more information about the Transformers read the official package documentation.