
The Repository classes are an implementation of the Repository Design Pattern. Their major roles are separating the business logic from the data (or the data access Task). Repositories save and retrieve Models to/from the underlying storage mechanism (i.e., databases).

The Repository is used to separate the logic that retrieves the data and maps it to a Model, from the business logic that works on the Model.


  • Every Model SHOULD have their own Repository.
  • A Model SHOULD always get accessed through its Repository. You should never directly access the Model.


  • All Repositories MUST extend from App\Ship\Parents\Repositories\Repository. Extending from this class will give access to functions like find(), create(), update() and much more.
  • The name of the Repository SHOULD be same like its Model name (Model: Foo -> Repository: FooRepository).
  • If a Repository belongs to a Model whose name is not equal to its Container name, then the Repository must set the $container property manually like this: $container = 'ContainerName'.

Folder Structure


Code Samples

Example for the UserRepository


namespace App\Containers\User\Data\Repositories;

use App\Containers\User\Contracts\UserRepositoryInterface;
use App\Containers\User\Models\User;
use App\Ship\Parents\Repositories\Repository;

class UserRepository extends Repository
    protected $fieldSearchable = [
        'name'  => 'like',
        'email' => '=',

Using the Repository


// paginate the data by 10
$users = $userRepository->paginate(10);

// search by 1 field
$cars = $carRepository->findByField('color', $color);

// searching multiple fields
$offer = $offerRepository->findWhere([
    'offer_id' => $offer_id,
    'user_id'  => $user_id,

Manually “linking” a Model and its Repository

If the Repository belongs to Model with a name different than its Container name, the Repository class of that Model must manually set the property $container and define the Container name.


namespace App\Containers\Authorization\Data\Repositories;

use App\Ship\Parents\Repositories\Repository;

class RoleRepository extends Repository
    protected $container = 'Authorization'; // the container name. Must be set when the model has different name than the container

    protected $fieldSearchable = [

Other Properties:

API Query Parameters Property

To enable query parameters (?search=text, …) in your API you need to set the property $fieldSearchable on the Repository class, to instruct the querying on your model.


    protected $fieldSearchable = [
      'name'  => 'like',
      'email' => '=',

All Other Properties

HiveApi uses the andersao/l5-repository package, to provide a lot of powerful features to the repository class. To learn more about all the properties you can use, visit the andersao/l5-repository package documentation.